The August 2021 Horoscopes
Hi and thanks for popping in to read your horoscope. Hopefully this will help you plan out your month, especially around the new and full moons. Each month has its unique map of the stars as the planets are in continuous movement. Find out where the planets are reflecting energy in your chart by reading about your sign, and your rising sign. Don’t know your rising sign? Read on to find out how to get yours free.
Happy Birthday to Leos and Virgos born in August.
About the Rising Sign, Horoscopes, and how to get yours Free
If you love horoscopes and astrology, and you don’t know your rising sign, you are missing out. Why? Because your rising sign is based on the time you were born, and that can change by the minute. That’s why we all have unique astrology charts.
General horoscopes like this one are called sun sign horoscopes, based on the 12 zodiac signs. If you read about your rising sign AND your sun sign, you will get more insightful information about the life topics reflected by the sky.
Most everyone knows their sun sign, because it’s based on the month you were born. But to know your rising sign, you need your location and time of birth. There are free online chart generators you can use.
I offer free pdf print outs of your personal birth blueprint of the sky, which is called your birth or natal chart, and it contains your rising sign. Drop me an email, or contact me through my website, and I will send your free copy.
August 2021 Horoscope Highlights
29/30 July: Mars changes sign to Virgo
8 August: New Moon in the sign Leo
11 August: Mercury changes sign to Virgo
16 August: Venus changes sign to Libra
22 August: Full Moon in Aquarius and the Sun changes sign to Virgo
New and full moons are great times to connect with the rhythm of life. Set new intentions at the new moon and release obstacles at the full moon using these New Moon and Full Moon guides.
When Mars, Mercury, and Venus change signs, they turn their focus on different life topics in your chart. Mars is about taking action and your energy levels. Mercury relates to commerce, communication, and education. Venus is about relationships and values.
August 2021 Horoscopes by Sign

August starts off with Mars, the planet of action, energy and drive changing signs. It will energize your daily activities and laborious tasks. Expect to be busy with lots of details and the annoying but practical parts of getting daily tasks done. Mars will stay in this part of your chart all month. Venus starts off the month in Virgo harmonizing your busy work like organizing schedules and spreadsheets for more efficiency and team collaboration.
The New Moon is Sunday August 8 giving you the weekend to relax and take it easy. Set your new moon intentions Sunday evening. This Leo new moon will have themes on how you prioritize your own creative projects, your creative projects, and your kids if you have them. Set intentions for letting your creativity shine.
The planet of communication, learning, and commerce, Mercury, changes signs August 11. This will shift your thought processes from fun, kids, and creative projects to your day to day routines.
The 11th-15th is a great time to put effort into efficiency with Venus, Mercury, and Mars all hanging out together in the sign Virgo. This energy is particularly focused on your daily routines and laborious tasks. You will be able to accomplish a lot this month. So if you are bummed about getting bogged down with lots of tasks, think of how happy you will be with what you have accomplished by the end of the month.
When Venus shifts to Libra on August 16, your focus will shift to your partner. Plan some date nights and special time together if you are hitched. If you are single, this can be a good time to meet someone, so get out and mingle.
There is a full moon on Sunday, 22 August in the sign Aquarius. This full moon will shine its focus on your friends and social network. For your full moon ritual, consider what groups and friends are bringing out your best self, and if there are some who are no longer on the same path as you who can be gently released from your network.

August starts off with Mars, the planet of action, energy and drive changing signs. It will energize your desire to work on individual creative projects. You may have more energy for your kids, sport, or your hobbies. Mars will stay in this part of your chart all month. Venus starts off the month in Virgo giving you extra resources to reorganize your self-care program, one that includes body care and/or sport.
The New Moon is Sunday August 8 giving you the weekend to relax and prepare. Set your new moon intentions Sunday evening. This Leo new moon will have themes of home and family. Set some intentions on creative things to do this summer at home and with family.
The planet of communication, learning, and commerce, Mercury, moves from Leo to Virgo August 11. This will shift your thoughts from stuff that has to do with your home space and family to creative projects. You will have increased mental focus for anything creative after the 11th.
There will be a few days (11th-15th) with Mars, Mercury, and Venus all in Virgo in the place of pleasure and fun in your chart. Virgo is an earth sign, so doing something physical is indicated. Bodywork, massage, and hiking are examples. Virgo is especially talented in organizing things. If there is a creative project or fun activity that needs pre-planning, do it between August 11th – 15th.
When Venus shifts to Libra on August 16, your focus will be on efficiency so you can maintain that self-care program and carry out any planning you did the days before. During this mid-month time you may have a lot of busy work that will give you an awareness of the need to create balance and harmony between what you have to do, and self-care time off.
There is a full moon on Sunday, 22 August in the sign Aquarius. This full moon will shine its focus on your career. You can tap into some rebellious and innovative energy regarding your career at this time. For your full moon releasing ritual symbolically let go of obstacles in the way of advancing your professional career.

August starts off with Mars, the planet of action, energy and drive changing signs. It will energize your desire to spend more time at home and with family. You will have extra energy for home projects you have been wanting to finish. Mars will stay in this part of your chart all month. Venus starts off the month in Virgo giving you a discerning eye for comfort and efficiency in your home space.
The New Moon is Sunday August 8 giving you the weekend to relax and prepare. Set your new moon intentions Sunday evening. This Leo new moon will have themes that involve your siblings or colleagues, and how you communicate with those close to you. Your communication style will take on a more creative and dramatic flair during this time. If you have a speech or presentation to do, you will shine.
The planet of communication, learning, and commerce, Mercury, moves from Leo to Virgo August 11. This will shift your thoughts from communication and colleagues to your home and family. New ideas may form around how to manage your home and family life.
When Mercury joins Venus and Mars in the sign of Virgo, you will have a unique 5 days to really transform your living space. Venus has the eye for creating a beautiful and harmonious layout, Mercury the thought process to design, organize, and plan how to execute your vision, and Mars is working with them to boost your energy drive to get it done.
When Venus shifts to Libra on August 16, plan on having some fun with your romantic partner and/or your kids. Sport and creativity are highlighted as well.
There is a full moon on Sunday, 22 August in the sign Aquarius. This full moon will shine on themes involving your spirituality and belief system. It could stir up a desire to travel. For your full moon ritual, release obstacles keeping you from reaching spiritual heights and traveling to places you want to see.

August starts off with Mars, the planet of action, energy and drive changing signs. It will energize your desire to connect with others, especially colleagues and siblings. Mars will stay in this part of your chart all month. Venus starts off the month in Virgo where you may be caught up in the details of day to day living, especially as it relates to your siblings, colleagues, and environment.
The New Moon is Sunday August 8 giving you the weekend to relax and prepare. Set your new moon intentions Sunday evening. This Leo new moon will bring a fresh look on your financial situation. Set intentions for how to creatively manage any resources or financial situations that need attention.
The planet of communication, learning, and commerce, Mercury, moves from Leo to Virgo August 11. This will shift your thoughts from income and your resources to connecting with others.
When Mercury joins Venus and Mars in Virgo the 11th-15th, you will have a unique boost in how you get your point across. Venus will give you a diplomatic approach, Mercury will showcase your most clever side, and Mars will support the assertiveness you need to speak your mind.
When Venus shifts to Libra on August 16, your focus will be on your home and family. Home improvement projects will turn out beautifully. Add in a little Feng Shui for an extra touch of harmony.
There is a full moon on Sunday, 22 August in the sign Aquarius. This full moon will put focus on self-introspection and offers a chance to release old and outworn patterns of self judgment. For your full moon ritual, release obstacles that block the authentic you from shining.

August starts off with Mars, the planet of action, energy and drive changing signs. It will energize your focus on your income and for developing innate resources related to self-esteem, like your natural skills. Mars will stay in this part of your chart all month. Venus starts off the month in Virgo where you may be at risk of over critical thinking about yourself or you may find yourself deep in the details of what money really means to you.
The New Moon is Sunday August 8 giving you the weekend to relax and prepare. Set your new moon intentions Sunday evening. This Leo new moon will inspire pride in your unique self-expression. Set intentions for how to project your authentic self out in the world.
The planet of communication, learning, and commerce, Mercury, moves from Leo to Virgo August 11. This will shift your thoughts from self-focused activities to your income and how you manage your self-esteem. It’s a good time to organize your resources and become more efficient financially.
When Mercury joins Venus and Mars in Virgo, you have a special few days (11th-15th) to devote to resource organization. Venus will help you harmonize what has authentic value to you, Mercury is optimizing your organizational skills, and Mars is boosting your energy.
When Venus shifts to Libra on August 16, your focus will be on communicating your authenticity.
There is a full moon on Sunday, 22 August in the sign Aquarius. This full moon shines focus on your partner and committed relationships. For your full moon ritual, release obstacles that block you from making progress in having a fulfilling and authentic relationship.

August starts off with Mars, the planet of action, energy and drive moving into your sign. You will feel an energy boost. It is a good time to sharpen up your appearance and style. Something understated but chic will leave you feeling great. Mars will stay in this part of your chart all month. Venus starts off the month in Virgo and along with Mars, boosts your desire for reinventing your look to be more stylish, modern, and sophisticated.
The New Moon is Sunday August 8 giving you the weekend to relax and prepare. Set your new moon intentions Sunday evening. This Leo new moon will bring focus to the things that tend to be pushed to the shadows and unconscious. Some people call it the ‘shadow’ side, and others the collective unconscious. It’s a good time to set intentions for deepening your spiritual connection to the divine.
The planet of communication, learning, and commerce, Mercury, moves from Leo to Virgo August 11. This will shift your thoughts from your meditative and internal sacred space to self-care and a new look. It’s a good time to let your authentic self shine.
Mercury joins Venus and Mars in Virgo for a unique match up in the part of your chart that focuses totally on you. From August 11-15, take advantage of this cooperative energy to focus on yourself. Venus supports smart and stylish changes to your appearance. Your wit and cleverness will be at an all time high with Mercury in Virgo. Create self-care plans, organize your calendar, and visualize your authentic self. Mars will give you an energy boost for self-betterment.
When Venus shifts to Libra on August 16, your focus will be on finding, creating, and maintaining balance and harmony between your assets and self-worth.
There is a full moon on Sunday, 22 August in the sign Aquarius. This full moon highlights your day to day routines and laborious tasks. For your full moon ritual, release inefficient processes and replace them with time saving routines.

August starts off with Mars, the planet of action, energy and drive changing signs. It will energize your desire to connect with your spirituality. With so much energy available for soul searching, include some body work like yoga, meditation, or expressive dance. Mars will stay in this part of your chart all month. Venus starts off the month joining Mars in Virgo where you have a lot of activity around spiritual connection with your soul.
The New Moon is Sunday August 8 giving you the weekend to relax and prepare. Set your new moon intentions Sunday evening. This Leo new moon will inspire new ways to engage with your friends and social networks. Set intentions for how to connect with other like minded souls.
The planet of communication, learning, and commerce, Mercury, moves from Leo to Virgo August 11. This will shift your thoughts from external focused socializing to internally focused spirituality.
When Mercury and Mars join in the same sign, you may experience a spiritual awakening. From August 11-15 Venus will join them setting up a unique few days where you may feel like being alone in peace and quiet. If you can take this time away, your soul will love it.
When Venus shifts to Libra on August 16, your focus will be all about you, and how you express yourself to others. This is a great time to change your appearance to express your authentic self.
There is a full moon on Sunday, 22 August in the sign Aquarius. This full moon highlights your romantic relationships, creative projects, and kids if you have them. For your full moon ritual, release obstacles that block you from indulging in your creativity.

August starts off with Mars, the planet of action, energy and drive changing signs. You will feel energized to meet with your friends and social network. Be proactive in making plans with them. Online events are great for networking too. Mars will stay in this part of your chart all month. Venus starts off the month in Virgo further highlighting social networking this month.
The New Moon is Sunday August 8 giving you the weekend to relax and prepare. Set your new moon intentions Sunday evening. This Leo new moon will usher in the potential for new projects, or pushing current ones forward, in your career. You have extra creativity to tap into now. The first week of the month is a great time for public speaking or to make a presentation. Especially as it relates to advancing your career.
The planet of communication, learning, and commerce, Mercury, moves from Leo to Virgo August 11. This will shift your thoughts from focus on your career to focus on networking. You have a chance to dazzle those who meet up with you this month.
Venus joins Mars and Mercury in your friends and social network sector making you socially popular mid-month from the 11th – 15th. You may have countless invites, or you may be the one creating get togethers and social events. You will feel bestowed with the gifts of energy, style, and organization during these unique days.
When Venus shifts to Libra on August 16, your focus will turn inward to your personal spirituality. You will find increased peace and harmony when you practice balance between your internal and external self. This may be a sudden shift from being busy socially the first half of the month, and then desiring quiet and alone time the second half of the month.
There is a full moon on Sunday, 22 August in the sign Aquarius. This full moon puts the spotlight on your home and family. For your full moon ritual, release obstacles that block you from enjoying time at home or with your family.

August starts off with Mars, the planet of action, energy and drive changing signs. It will energize your career and public self. This is a time when you have the energy to advance your career from sheer determination and perseverance. Mars will stay in this part of your chart all month. Venus starts off the month in Virgo where you have a lot of activity going on with your career and will add a quality of diplomacy, which can always help in career matters.
The New Moon is Sunday August 8 giving you the weekend to relax and prepare. Set your new moon intentions Sunday evening. This Leo new moon will inspire your eternal love of new experiences, travel, and learning. If you can’t travel, set an intention to learn or experience something new.
The planet of communication, learning, and commerce, Mercury, moves from Leo to Virgo on August 11. This will shift your thoughts from your belief and faith system to career efforts. When Mercury and Mars join in the same sign, you may experience an unstoppable drive to achieve what you want. When Venus joins them, your diplomacy skills will be at an all time high. Put energy into your goals between August 11-15 for super charged progress.
When Venus shifts to Libra on August 16, your focus will be all about your network and advancing yourself professionally. It’s a great time for socializing and you will sparkle and shine.
There is a full moon on Sunday, 22 August in the sign Aquarius highlighting your communication and colleagues. For your full moon ritual, release communication obstacles and allow your innovative and rebellious heart to create new ways of doing things that wow your network.

August starts off with Mars, the planet of action, energy and drive changing signs. Your focus may be on organizing plans for university or long distance travel. This is a time when you have the energy to put into tedious preparation with long-term rewards. Mars will stay in this part of your chart all month. Venus starts off the month in Virgo where you have a concentration of energy focused on your spirituality and belief systems.
The New Moon is Sunday August 8 giving you the weekend to relax and prepare. Set your new moon intentions Sunday evening. This Leo new moon will have an introspective feel to it giving you the opportunity to plant seeds for a future goal. You will get the most out of this new moon by staying in and taking some quiet time for contemplation. Journal and meditate on what brings you true happiness and contentment.
The planet of communication, learning, and commerce, Mercury, moves from Leo to Virgo August 11. This will shift your mood from feeling quiet and introspective to contemplation of your faith and belief system.
When Mercury and Mars join in the same sign mid month, you will have the mental and physical stamina to complete many tasks related to your long-term goals. Venus joins them from August 11-15 for a unique group of energy between the three planets. Traveling may be on your mind and this is a great time to organize a trip. You may also find yourself questioning and meditating on your spirituality and belief system.
Venus will support questioning what is valuable and has meaning in life. Mercury will open creative paths of visioning, and Mars will bring drive and ambition to spiritual growth. When Venus shifts to Libra on August 16, your focus will be all about your career and advancing yourself professionally. Diplomacy skills will be more accessible than usual when Venus moves to this part of your chart after the 16th.
There is a full moon on Sunday, 22 August in the sign Aquarius. This highlights your finances and resources. For your full moon ritual, release obstacles that are keeping financial freedom away. It is also a great time to let go and release negative self-talk.

August starts off with Mars, the planet of action, energy and drive changing signs. Your focus may shift to be more introspective and your vitality may be lower than usual. Mars will stay in this part of your chart all month. Venus starts off the month in Virgo where you have a concentration of energy focused on introspection and self-understanding. If you can take extra introspection time alone, you will feel more at ease.
The New Moon is Sunday August 8 giving you the weekend to relax and prepare. Set your new moon intentions Sunday evening. This Leo new moon is a time to set fresh ideas and intentions to how you engage in committed partnerships, both business and romantic.
The planet of communication, learning, and commerce, Mercury, moves from Leo to Virgo August 11. This will shift your focus from your committed relationship, to the shared resources you have with your partner. It can also be a time of deep introspection.
When Mercury and Mars join in the same sign mid month, the need for more quiet time or introspection may increase. Venus joins them from August 11-15 for a unique group of energy between the three planets. This can be a productive time for peeling back the layers and developing a relationship with your internal authentic self.
This is a unique period to spend quiet time meditating on authenticity and what contentment means to you. Venus represents balance and harmony opening you to different viewpoints. Mercury signals the ability to be creative, find meaning, and remain objective. Mars collaborates with internal focused energy to gain meaning from this process. Push away any self-criticism and embrace the true you.
When Venus shifts to Libra on August 16, your focus will shift to your spirituality and belief system.
There is a full moon on Sunday, 22 August in the sign Aquarius. This highlights the way you put your public self in the world and your appearance. For your full moon ritual, release obstacles that are keeping you from letting your authentic self shine outwardly.

August starts off with Mars, the planet of action, energy and drive changing signs. You will have more energy to devote to your committed partnerships, both romantic and business. Mars will stay in this part of your chart all month. Venus starts off the month in Virgo where you have a concentration of energy focused on committed partnerships. This is a good time for developing pragmatic agreements with your partner.
The New Moon is Sunday August 8 giving you the weekend to relax and prepare. Set your new moon intentions Sunday evening. This Leo new moon is a time to tidy up what needs to be organized. Set intentions for fresh ideas for your daily routines, and regular self-care.
The planet of communication, learning, and commerce, Mercury, moves from Leo to Virgo August 11. This will shift your focus from your creative projects, children, or hobbies to your significant other. When Mercury and Mars join in the same sign mid month, collaborating in partnership is highlighted. Venus joins them from August 11-15 for a unique group of energy between the three planets.
This is a unique time to talk out things with a partner and make plans regarding the partnership. Venus represents balance, harmony, and mutual respect. Mercury brings creative and efficient ideas to the table. Mars gives a boost of energy and stamina.
When Venus shifts to Libra on August 16, your focus will shift to self-introspection. You will want some time to yourself to process through anything that comes up in your committed partnerships.
There is a full moon on Sunday, 22 August in the sign Aquarius. This highlights further a desire to be introspective, take some time to be alone, and process your thoughts. For your full moon ritual, release obstacles that are keeping you from feeling content and happy.
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