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May Horoscopes 2022

Writer's picture: Lori BarnesLori Barnes

May Horoscopes Overview

We start off the month in the afterglow of the Taurus new moon and solar eclipse. We tend to always have a mix of energies at work that ebb and flow. May is no different. We have a mix of planets moving through the zodiac with many in Pisces, Aries, Taurus, and Gemini.

It is where that energy of the current moment interacts with each individual chart that it becomes dynamic. Where one person could experience the energy as challenging and another as a time of opportunity.

Remember that horoscopes are general because an individual astrology chart is complex and each person’s chart makeup is different. Even people born at the same place and time are born into different families and circumstances. Each astrology chart is truly a unique manifestation.

Early May

As we kick off May there are two groupings of planets in two signs, Pisces and Taurus. These two signs have a smooth flow that runs between them.

Pisces and Taurus are both receptive signs that enjoy a slower pace and appreciate the beauty of life. These are the signs that I like to think will stop and smell the roses at every opportunity possible. Lovely, right?

There are a few planets that are not joining the early May Pisces and Taurus party. They could be experienced as agitators to the peace and flow going on. There can be a sense of trying to bring rationality, reform, or innovation where it isn’t wanted.

That is the energetic part of the very beginning of May, but the winds shift fairly quickly as both Venus (May 2), the planet of how we relate with others, and Jupiter (May 10), how we grow and expand in life, both move into the fire sign Aries.

It’s like we get a dynamic boost of energy as we move through May and planets shift from Pisces into Aries. We will all experience some dynamic and activating energy because we all have the sign Aries somewhere in our individual chart.

Even if you don’t know where that is, pay attention to shifts that you feel on May the third, and May the tenth, when Venus and Jupiter respectively move into Aries. Aries has quite a different vibe than Pisces. It would feel like a dynamic burst of energy somewhere in life.

Pisces is fluid, adaptable, likes to look at the world through rose colored glasses, appreciates beauty, and wants to unite and merge as one. Aries is the warrior, one who loves a challenge, is one of the most energetic signs of the zodiac, lives for independence, and doesn’t back down.

Aries Rising House Wheel with zodiac signs in the house based on an Aries Ascendant.


Aries and the Mercury Retrograde Cycle

If you have been feeling scattered, dispersed, and like you are having trouble grounding and focusing on your to do list, you will probably welcome this shift from Pisces to Aries energy. There is a caveat, and that is Mercury is slowing down in preparation for its next retrograde cycle.

This means that even though Aries is impatient to get going and moving forward, there is a reason to put that energy into past projects, unfinished projects, and finishing what you started. Aries is kinda known for starting things but not finishing.

May is a chance to focus that dynamic Aries superpower to finish off some things that you have been wanting to get done. It is quite interesting when you have new moon energy, and planets moving into Aries, which usually is the time to start something new.

Aries likes new beginnings and the opposite message of Mercury going retrograde happens at the time a few of our personal (Venus, Mars, Jupiter) planets will travel through Aries.

Mercury retrograde is saying slow down, look backwards to review, realign, and correct your path. Aries is saying go forward, just do it, go go go! The best we can do is embrace the energy and use it to our advantage.

You would be working in rhythm with nature if you did utilize this Aries energy to put a fresh new look on something unfinished from the past. One note, we will have Jupiter in Aries for the rest of the year. So we will have plenty of time to embrace that energy.

The Mercury retrograde is a May thing. So I will focus more on that for this month’s May horoscopes.

Mercury Retrograde in May

The Mercury retrograde shadow period started at the end of April so we are already starting to feel the pull to slow down as snags in details start interrupting our daily routine. It goes retrograde May 10 through June 4. The retrograde is happening in the signs of Gemini and Taurus.

It’s nice to know where these signs are in your chart so you can prepare around those topics, events, and people in your life. For me, it’s in the portion of my chart that has to do with the daily grind, work, and health. I expect I will be working on redesigning my routine.

I wrote an article on how to find out where the signs fall in your individual chart. There is a link to a free online calculator so you can have individualized information if you want to go deeper in your chart. You can find that blog called ‘The Ascendant’ here.

I recommend that if you don’t know your time of birth, to consult your birth certificate. Believe it or not, oftentimes parent memories are not always correct. Maybe in the ballpark, but not always exact. Double check it for accuracy.

You can get a lot of information on how to work with Mercury retrograde if you don’t have your chart though. If you do know your ascendant, for each sign, also known as rising sign, I list the topics, events, and people most likely to be activated by the May Mercury retrograde at the bottom of this article.

My best advice for any Mercury retrograde is to take this time to update, solidify foundations of your big projects, review, refresh, and realign. It is a good time to have conversations that clear the air on something from the past.

It’s also a time where you may be thinking of people or things from the past, and people or things from the past may pop up unexpectedly. If you have been wanting to mend a relationship, or talk to someone you haven’t talked to in a while, May is a good time to do that.

There are all the usual things you hear about Mercury retrograde. Like don’t buy big ticket items or anything technological. That’s good general advice, but it doesn’t work for everyone. Learn more about Mercury retrograde in my ‘Mercury Retrograde Survival Guide.’

May Horoscopes and Eclipse Season

On April 30 we had a new moon and solar eclipse in Taurus. On May 16 we will have a lunar eclipse in Scorpio at the full moon. Eclipses always come in pairs, and sometimes triplets. They always occur at the new or full moon.

Eclipses have to do with when the points of the crossing of the Sun and Moon orbits are in the same sign and close to the same degree as the full or new moon. Eclipses can signify important life shifts and transitions, but not all eclipses impact everyone. You can read more about eclipses here.

The information that will be most useful to you as we go through this eclipse season is to know which part of your unique astrology birth chart contains the signs Taurus and Scoprio. These astrological houses represent the activated topics, people, and events by the eclipses. Read more about how to do that in my Ascendant article.

Eclipses happen around every six months. They are phenomenons that are intriguing to watch. If you want to see the eclipse, here is a link to a site that I use to watch eclipses and get information on the location and path. The site is

If you experience a big shift in the month of May, your chart may have been activated by one or both of the eclipses. It depends on what planetary bodies and sensitive points are located in zodiac signs Taurus and Scorpio in your chart.

I don’t tend to say too much more than that on eclipses since a great many of you may not be impacted by them. If you are, or you want to know more about your chart, it’s best to schedule an astrological consultation.

Planets Movement in May

Above I referred to Venus and Jupiter moving into Aries. There is more movement to talk about. I will go through them below.

Sun in Taurus and Gemini

The Sun moved into Taurus on April 20 and will move into Gemini on May 21. When you say ‘I’m a Taurus’ that refers to the sign the Sun is traveling through when you are born. The Sun travels through each sign for around four weeks every year in the 365 day cycle.

Taurus sun sign signatures are: being reliable, prone to routine, lovers of sensual pleasures like good food and beverage, and can be stubborn and idle.

Gemini sun signatures are: being highly sociable, witty, flirty, and rarely lacking something to add to a conversation. They are known for their dual nature, that is having two sides to their personality. They can become gossipy or have a sharp tongue that hurts others feelings.

Moon Phases

The last day of April was a new moon and solar eclipse. We kick off the month under a new moon vibe. To learn more about the April 30 new moon, read the blog here.

May 16 brings a Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse. I will write a blog mid May with more information. The full moon will be in the sign of Scorpio.

May 30 brings a New Moon in the sign of Gemini. I will write a blog on that as well. You will find all my blogs on my website Astroblog.

Mercury in Taurus and Gemini

Mercury has just moved into Gemini as May begins. Gemini is one of Mercury’s signs and it is very happy to be at home in its own sign. Mercury in Gemini is chatty, quick-witted, curious, and is likely juggling a few different projects involving mental stimulation.

You already know that Mercury is going to go retrograde on May 10. That is the same day Jupiter moves into Aries. I really caution you to pay extra special attention when driving that day.

Many people don’t track retrogrades and try to keep moving at the same speed, but nature’s rhythms move in cycles and spirals, not linear forward non stop motion.

Aries is a feisty impatient sign, so you may run into some impatient or angry folks who are not aware of Mercury retrograde and have no intention of slowing down. Traffic jams, running late, and being overly busy can make people angry. Watch out for the uninformed.

On May 23, Mercury in retrograde moves into the sign of Taurus. On June 4 Mercury goes direct again in Taurus. The days Mercury goes retrograde and direct are the most sensitive, so be extra vigilant on using patience, and giving others more leeway than usual.

The day Mercury goes direct is not the day to run out and buy that computer you have been waiting to buy after Mercury retrograde. Give it at least another week, two if you can. If you have to replace something during the retrograde, just look at the fine print and ask lots of questions to avoid purchase regrets later.

The post-retrograde shadow of Mercury retrograde takes place after going direct. It is the last phase of the entire cycle ending on June 18. I do believe there is a wealth of growth and information that can come during a Mercury retrograde when we work with the rhythm of it, not against it.

Venus in Aries and Taurus

Venus leaves Pisces and moves into Aries on May 2 and then moves into Taurus on May 28. Most of May Venus travels through Aries.

Remembering that Mercury is retrograde most of May, there could be a lack of patience with others, and things from the past that need to be cleared up can be extra testy in the impatient sign of Aries. You may be more sharp with your words.

This can help those of you who find it difficult to say what you mean. Maybe you are shy, or find it hard to express yourself. This Venus placement is helpful for expressing the words needed to clear up something from the past with others.

However, if you already have a sharp tongue, are quick to anger or yell, this could put your communication style in an overly aggressive stance. Know yourself, and be happy to be informed so you can plan ahead for how to manage your interactions with others.

When Venus moves into Taurus at the end of the month, it will be in her own sign. The pace of Venus will slow down and become more grounded. It’s hard to say how that will manifest for you generally.

If you want to know more, look at the Taurus part of your chart. It will relate to relationships in general. It will be a significant difference in tone from when Venus was traveling through Aries. You are more likely to be more patient and understanding with others than in the Aries phase.

Mars in Pisces and Aries

Mars travels through Pisces most of May and transitions into Aries on May 25. There are just a few days when both Venus and Mars will be in Aries, so do be aware of the energetic signature of being more assertive, or aggressive between May 25 – 28.

Mars in Pisces will be much more graceful and adaptable that when it moves into Aries. This is quite nice during the retrograde. Mars in Pisces tones down the reactive and dynamic nature of fiery Aries because Mars is how you take action.

Venus may want to charge into interactions assertively or aggressively, but Mars won’t necessarily provide the energy to do so. Mars provides the pause that is much needed for hot-headed Aries.

The downside of Mars in Pisces can manifest in confusion on when to take action, or taking action on too many different things and getting nothing done.

Mars really enjoys traveling through Aries because it is one of its own sigs. It’s a dynamic place for Mars to run wild, get energy out, and get things done. You will want to channel that energy to work with the last part of the Mercury retrograde.

While you may feel the desire to run off on a new adventure, or start something new toward the end of May. Your energy will be best used by completing unfinished projects. Another way to use any extra Aries energy you have in May is to exercise more.

Restart an exercise routine that has worked for you before. If you have aches and pains, see a specialist and take care of those things from the past that are bothering you now. Aries like to do things or build things with your hands.

If you have any projects that have been sidelined that require energy and physical work, take this time in late May during the retrograde to get them done.

Mars will still be in Aries in June when Mercury goes direct and we shift our focus back to the future. This is great news because we will have this extra boost of energy to race forward again on more solid ground after clearing up that unfinished business during the retrograde.

Coming out of a retrograde (like we will in June) where you did the work on reflecting back on the past is exciting because now you can move forward with Mars in Aries. With Mars in Aries, you will have traction to thrust forward without missing a beat.

Jupiter moves into Aries

To get some context of Jupiter changing signs, Mercury and Venus go through all the zodiac signs in around a year, like the Sun, and Mars in around 2 years. Jupiter goes through one sign in a year. So when Jupiter changes signs, it’s kinda a big deal!

I am super excited for Jupiter to move into Aries. It will spice things up. Jupiter will be in Aries for the rest of the year indicating a time for dynamic growth and expansive energy in the Aries part of your chart.

Jupiter is about where you grow and expand in life. It can also be where you overdo things. There are things we like to grow, like our bank account, and things we don’t like to grow, like our waist line. So strategically think about where you want to use that extra energy.

Aries is dynamic, growth oriented, impatient, and tends to take action before thinking. Jupiter in Aries is going to highlight and boost the Aries part of your chart. If you know where that is, expect some expansions, growth, opportunity, luck, and a risk of over doing things in this area.

Mercury Retrograde and Starting a New Relationship

The May theme is Mercury retrograde where we have caution about moving quickly, or jumping without looking, into something new. That includes relationships. It’s hard to take your time with so much Aries energy in the air, but Mercury is asking us to slow it down.

If you do get into a new relationship in May, just wait and see what happens after the retrograde. Rather than avoiding it, have fun. Just don’t run off to Vegas after dating for two weeks. Wait at least two months, lol.

May Mercury Retrograde Horoscopes by Ascendant

Based on your ascendant, I have listed where Gemini and Taurus fall in your chart. The topics, events, and people you are likely to have experiences with under May’s Mercury retrograde energy.

Remember that the retrograde starts in Gemini and moves back into Taurus. When Mercury goes direct, it will cover that same ground again. This gives you time to become aware of what needs your attention, and then take the time to give attention to those needs during the retrograde.

Trying to avoid what comes up during a retrograde ends up taking more of your time than if you address past issues that come up when they do. For important things that come up during the retrograde, accept that you may have to clear up something from the past in order to move forward.

It can mean a conversation with someone, redesigning something, or tearing something up and starting over. There are infinite ways that this can manifest depending on your chart, your history, and your situation.

The horoscopes below call your attention to the life areas most likely to manifest things that need your attention during the retrograde.

There is a quote from Carl Jung that captures this beautifully:

That which you resist, persists . -Carl Jung

When the universe asks us to slow down with these retrograde cycles. Then shows us something from the past that needs review. Take advantage of the notice and look back. You can ignore the signs, until you can’t.

I don’t mean for that to sound so scary. But I do believe that oftentimes we get in our own way by ignoring little signs until they become big signs.

Mercury retrograde is the perfect time to not only look for those little signs, but dig deeper and resolve little things before they become big things.

Aries Rising

Mercury retrogrades in the part of your chart that represents: Colleagues and communication style in the Gemini part, and your finances and possessions in the Taurus part of the retrograde.

Taurus Rising

Mercury retrogrades in the part of your chart that represents: Your finances and possessions in the Gemini part, and things that have to do with your appearance, anything self-related, and your physical body in the Taurus part of the retrograde.

Gemini Rising

Mercury retrogrades in the part of your chart that represents: Things that have to do with your appearance, anything self-related, and your physical body in the Gemini part, and things that are hidden, a place of the unconscious, and where you may be drawn to alone time to deepen your spiritual connection within, in the Taurus part of the retrograde.

Cancer Rising

Mercury retrogrades in the part of your chart that represents: Things that are hidden, a place of the unconscious, and where you may be drawn to alone time to deepen your spiritual connection within, during the Gemini part, and the place of your network, friends, and social media in the Taurus part of the retrograde.

Leo Rising

Mercury retrogrades in the part of your chart that represents: Your network, friends, and social media in the Gemini part of the retrograde, and your public life, career, or status in the Taurus part of the retrograde.

Virgo Rising

Mercury retrogrades in the part of your chart that represents: Your public life, career, or status in the Gemini part, and the place in your chart that represents higher education, travel and new experiences, and your faith in the Taurus part of the retrograde.

Libra Rising

Mercury retrogrades in the part of your chart that represents: Higher education, travel and new experiences, and your faith in the Gemini part, and your partner’s resources, inheritances, and a place of psychology in the Taurus part of the retrograde.

Scorpio Rising

Mercury retrogrades in the part of your chart that represents: Your partner’s resources, inheritances, and a place of psychology in the Gemini part, and your partner, contracts, and partnerships in general in the Taurus part of the retrograde.

Sagittarius Rising

Mercury retrogrades in the part of your chart that represents: Your partner, contracts, and partnerships in general in the Gemini part, and your daily routine, work, and employees in the Taurus part of the retrograde.

Capricorn Rising

Mercury retrogrades in the part of your chart that represents: Your daily routine, work, and employees in the Gemini part, and your children, creative projects, and your sensual needs in the Taurus part of the retrograde.

Aquarius Rising

Mercury retrogrades in the part of your chart that represents: Your children, creative projects, and your sensual needs in the Gemini part, and your home, family, and real estate in the Taurus part of the retrograde.

Pisces Rising

Mercury retrogrades in the part of your chart that represents: Home, family, and real estate in the Gemini part, and your colleagues and communication style in the Taurus part of the retrograde.

Wrap Up

May kicks off with lots of planets in Pisces or Taurus and ends with a few highlighting Aries. Considering Aries is a dynamic and impatient sign, it makes for a unique energy signature in May when Mercury will be retrograde all month asking us not to start new things and finish up unfinished business. That is not Aries forte. 

A retrograde period is the time to focus on reviewing progress and finishing up projects already started. This is in contrast to Aries which is about new beginnings and starting things.

To mix these energies together this month, use this dynamic Aries energy to refresh and refocus what you have started. Mind any impulses to speak or act without a pause to consider all the details. This is challenging for Aries, but great potential for learning.

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