Time for Some Creative Reflection
Leo New Moon Date and Times
Sunday 4 August
4:13 AM, West Coast, USA
7:13 AM, East Coast, USA
1:13 PM, Rome, Italy
12 Degrees Leo
Leo New Moon and Sun
The Sun and New Moon are conjunct in the same degree of Leo, signifying the Leo New Moon. Leo is a sign known for its creativity, passion, charisma, boldness, and confidence. Leo is the Sun's natural sign, associated with a regal presence and a desire for creative self-expression and glamor.
Leos often have a commanding and magnetic presence. However, the shadow side of Leo can be condescending, arrogant, stubborn, overbearing, inconsiderate, and impatient.
Leo, a fire element sign, embodies dynamic, creative, inspirational, courageous, and adventurous qualities. Its shadow can be aggressive, dominating, and quick-tempered.
Leo's fixed modality highlights perseverance, loyalty, persistence, steadfastness, reliability, and focus. Yet, this can lead to inflexibility, resistance to change, rigidity, possessiveness, and uncompromising behavior.
Leo Archetypes: The King, Father, Nobleman, Performer, Entertainer, Leader
Leo New Moon Interplanetary Action

Leo New Moon and Sun Sextile Jupiter and Mars
The fire Leo Sun and New Moon make a sextile connection with visionary Jupiter and action-oriented Mars traveling through air sign Gemini. When fire and air mix, it creates a dynamic and proactive type of energy. In Leo and Gemini, there are themes of extravagance and multi-faceted approaches.
There are crosscurrents in this blend. Leo, a fixed sign, is not one to change or adapt quickly. Gemini, on the other hand, is quick to adapt, evolve, and change. With Jupiter involved, there can be a push and pull of ideology. Gemini is a Mercury-ruled sign, bringing in a clash and a flurry of ideas.
Ideas and approaches swirling around at the start of the Leo New Moon will continue as we move through the next Mercury retrograde cycle in August, activating placements and astrology houses occupied by Virgo and Leo, the sign of the new Moon. More on Mercury Retrograde is below.
The sextile relationship generates a lot of activity. Mercury rules Gemini, bringing a mental quality to this configuration. Ideas will ping us from all the different technology that has access to us.
We will be subject to ideas and thoughts that are true and false, researched and made up, and passionately expressed. Words are powerful and potentially assertive, aggressive, exaggerated, and idealistic. The dynamic nature of fire is to take action, which is why words can be spoken before thought.
Be careful what you say and how you respond. Chances are you don’t have the full picture or communication was unclear. Follow the golden rule and speak to others the way you want to be spoken to. This approach can diffuse overly assertive communication directed at you or by you.
Mars Conjunct Jupiter in Gemini
Mars continues its journey through Gemini to meet Jupiter on August 14, less than a day before Mercury retrogrades back into Leo. Ideas and word exchanges from the Leo New Moon will continue to be reviewed as the past is a large part of conversations.
Mars with Jupiter is like pressing (Mars) the gas pedal (Jupiter) and acting (Mars) on beliefs (Jupiter) using words (Mercury rules Gemini). Communication is central during this Leo New Moon, and what happens now is likely to come up again when Mercury retrogrades back into Leo on August 15.
It's crucial to remember that words can be both a weapon and a means of expressing love, respect, and appreciation. You may not love or appreciate someone else's words, but you can choose how to respond. You are unlikely to get a positive response by using words or actions aggressively.
It's essential to delve deeper into what you hear and verify the facts.
Mars and Jupiter Square Saturn
Saturn is forming a relationship with Mars and Jupiter simultaneously with the Sun and New Moon sextile. Saturn moves slower than the lights and will continue to apply to a tense square with Mars and Jupiter in Gemini, intensifying through mid-August. It will be fading (separating) by the end of the month.
This connection involves action-oriented Mars, visionary Jupiter, and consolidating Saturn. Although this tense energy can be uncomfortable, it often inspires change, with action likely to come through social networks and communication.
Saturn is like the brake pedal, and Jupiter is like the gas pedal for growth. Mars is an activator. When it forms a relationship with another planet, it describes a movement into action. Mars is traveling with Jupiter. They are working on expanding and growing a vision together.
Saturn reminds us to follow a structured path and avoid shortcuts. It is about the long term and the reward for hard effort and lack of reward for laziness.
Combined with Mercury Retrograde, there is an energetic signature of slowing down and consolidating and a need for discipline, refinement, or added structure. This is a great time to seek any errors in the foundation of something and then strengthen that foundation.
Saturn is in Pisces, a Jupiter sign. The long-term (Saturn) vision (Jupiter and Pisces) must be kept top of mind (Mercury, Gemini) when evolving and adapting (Mars, Jupiter in Gemini). It is a creative (Leo) and passionate (Leo) time for moving forward (New Moon), especially on projects already in progress (Mercury Retrograde).
The energy at hand reminds us to reflect, review, and realign (Mercury Retrograde) to move forward.
Jupiter is Besieged and Detriment
Jupiter is in Gemini, the opposite sign of Sagittarius, one of Jupiter’s signs. This puts Jupiter in detriment, a placement that is quite different than its nature. Factor in that Jupiter is ruled by Mercury during its retrograde cycle, and Mars is approaching it while Jupiter is traveling toward a square with Saturn.
This makes for a contentious meeting. Jupiter is cornered and out of place, making its typical benevolent nature distressed. An overstated response is likely. Overreactions, aggression, and escalation are likely to happen worldwide. In your personal life, the best plan is to tread lightly in high-intensity situations.
Mercury Square Mars
This is an irritable energy as Mars agitates Mercury, which is also ruled by it. There can be an inner conflict about how to communicate, and agitation can make communication more assertive or aggressive than intended.
This is why it’s important to pause and reflect before speaking. Remember the golden rule and try to manage your agitation early. You can not respond, walk away, and consume less news and social media.
This configuration fades as Mercury retrogrades. Once Mercury retrogrades back into Leo, it makes a more harmonious contact with Mars and Jupiter in Gemini.
The agitating energy will be most prominent between Mercury and Mars in the first half of August.
Mercury Goes Retrograde
With Mercury retrograde, you may need to review past projects or resolve old relationship issues. Mars and Jupiter traveling in Mercury’s sign, Gemini, play a role in this retrograde cycle.
Mercury will turn retrograde just hours after the Leo New Moon phase begins, blending the energies of creativity and reflection.
Engage in ‘Creative Reflection,’ a process that involves reviewing past projects or experiences in inspiring environments using multi-sensory and multi-media for stimulation.
This can include spaces that boost creativity, such as a movie theater, a music-filled room, or other sensory-rich places.
Mercury Retrograde Cycle Dates
Pre-Shadow: 17 July
Retrograde: 5 August
Direct: 28 August
Post-Shadow: 12 September
Degrees of Retrograde: 4.06 Virgo to 21.25 Leo
Working with Mercury Retrograde
I have a structured approach to working with Mercury retrograde. It works like this:
Look at your calendar and block off the amount of time you want to work on Mercury retrograde projects
Find the houses activated by Mercury Retrograde: Virgo and Leo
Degrees: 4.06 Virgo back to 21.25 Leo
Look ahead and wrap up any new launches or schedule them for after Mercury retrograde when possible. This only applies to major projects.
Work on past projects or relationship resolutions
Reflect, review, and realign important projects
Go back and work on an abandoned or postponed project
Take it easy and spend more time reflecting and introspection
Direct and Post-Shadow:
Wrap up your reflection work and start working on the resolutions you created or discovered during the retrograde.
Start looking to schedule new launches and ideas that align with your long-term vision.
Please check out these resources for more information and my free twelve-month Mercury Retrograde workbook.
In Your Chart
To look deeper into the cosmic patterns of the Leo new moon, find the astrology houses the planets are traveling through in your chart. Learn more about the astrology houses. Here are the areas to look for:
Taurus: Uranus
Gemini: Mars, Jupiter
Virgo: Mercury, Venus
Leo: Sun, Moon, Venus, Mercury
Aquarius: Pluto
Pisces: Saturn, Neptune
If you want to learn more about your personal astrology chart, schedule a consultation with me using the link below. If you don’t have a copy of your chart, you can get one free with one of the online calculators. I recommend either astro.com or astro-seek.com
Leo New Moon Activity Ideas
Once we have entered the new moon phase, set your new moon intentions over the weekend. For a step-by-step approach, use my New Moon Intention Setting guide.
Switch gears by slowing down on generating new work, and pause to reflect on how far you have come since the last Mercury Retrograde.
If there are relationship conversations that need to happen, plan to do it in August under the retrograde cycle.
Think of the New Moon in Leo as an opportunity to bring some creative and dynamic energy to your Mercury retrograde routine.
Create fun and interactive ways to review, reflect, and realign. Roleplay, vision board, create a visual way to view progress toward goals.
To resolve relationship issues, choose creative or artsy places that are visually stunning. It will bring a vibrant tone to the meeting and open the door for new creative solutions better aligned with your life evolution.
Creativity should be at a higher level than usual. Schedule blocks of time on your calendar to allow your creative mind some playtime.
Breakthroughs could happen when you revisit something stuck or abandoned with a fresh perspective. Updating and reviewing past progress during the retrograde is a great way to proactively use the energy and make progress on things that have already been started.
Socialize with your friends and do trivia night or game night.
Visit beautiful places, such as an art gallery, a walk in nature, or a cool restaurant.
Do things that boost your confidence and make you feel good. Wear more colors, like Leo red, or a color you love.

Leo New Moon Inspirational Quote
“To participate in life we must experience life through our five senses. We must see the world, hear its subtle messages, smell its flavors, taste its sweetness and touch its surface.” -D. Wayne Dworsky
Leo New Moon Recap: Embrace Creative Reflection
As the Leo New Moon aligns with Mercury retrograde, this period offers a unique opportunity for Creative Reflection. Leo's energy promotes creativity, self-expression, and boldness, while Mercury’s retrograde invites a reassessment of past projects and relationships.
This astrological blend calls for a creative approach to introspection. Embrace environments that inspire you, whether it’s a nostalgic location, uplifting music, or sensory experiences, to enhance your review process. By integrating creativity with reflection, you can gain fresh insights and meaningfully realign your goals. Use this time to break through old patterns and rejuvenate your path forward.