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Gemini New Moon

Writer's picture: Lori BarnesLori Barnes

Curiosity and Communication

Gemini New Moon Date and Times

Thursday 6 June 2024

5:38 AM, West Coast, USA

8:38 AM, East Coast, USA

2:38 PM, Rome, Italy

16 Degrees Gemini

Gemini New Moon Overview

We have a social and communicative Gemini New Moon happening on Thursday. As you move through your week, slow down a bit on Tuesday and Wednesday as the current Moon cycle comes to an end. The new Moon in Gemini ushers in a refreshing breeze as the energy significantly shifts to a lighter, more social vibe in June.

Gemini is an air sign and the sign of the twins. No sign is more about duality than Gemini. This is a clever, quick-witted and social sign. Expect an increase in communication and activities on your social calendar in June. If you are more of an introvert, you may feel an increased desire to read, write and journal.

You're likely to experience more chatter going on inside of your mind. The important takeaway is matters of the mind are highly energized now. You could even experience a flood of thoughts that makes you feel restless, or worse, ruminating thoughts about what worries you can be intensified.

If you start feeling mentally exhausted, feed your mind. Use positive self-statements, read books and magazines that spark your interest, sign up for a course and use alternative therapies for relaxation like massage, acupuncture or spend more time at the gym.

Gemini is a mutable sign which speaks to its changeable and adaptable nature. It can be a time when your mind wanders all over the place. It’s great in a social context where quick and witty comebacks make great conversation. Those same conversations can jump from topic to topic and the fun is keeping up the pace. Gemini excels at this type of socializing.

The challenging side of Gemini energy is to be aware that sometimes the words spoken are not always true. Ruled by Mercury, the Trickster, words spoken can create an illusion of the truth. This is where Gemini can sometimes be called two-faced. 

It can also indicate a time when you experience more ‘projection’ that is calling your attention to self-development and growth. That is when you see your own characteristics in others that you don’t recognize or ‘own’ in yourself. When a projection happens, it creates a learning opportunity for you.

This concept of projection and self-growth with the New Moon cannot be understated. Take a moment to think about this. A social sign that loves to chat and connect with others will have more human interactions, and therefore, more opportunity to learn about what you may be projecting. 

Projection is seeing a personal trait come to life through others so we can learn, integrate and become better people. June is a great month to watch out for when you are projecting a part of yourself onto another person you may have ignored or denied for a while.

Some of Gemini's other shadow traits are gossiping, engaging in shallow conversation, talking too much and overly focused on logic to the detriment of emotional connection.

Tap into the positive traits of Gemini by connecting with your friends, writing, reading, learning, problem solving, and cutting through the clutter to get to the heart of the meaning of something. The Gemini mind is quick, clever, logical and curious.

The theme of the Gemini New Moon is: Curiosity and Communication.

Gemini archetypes are: The Salesperson, the Alchemist, the Magician, the Trickster and the Communicator.

Gemini Zodiac Sign Glyph

Gemini New Moon Interplanetary Action

Venus makes this a highly Social New Moon. The Gemini Moon meets the planet Venus in the exact same degree making this a highly social period of time. You can benefit by using this energy to create new ideas for important team projects and new approaches to relationships you are involved in.

We have a five-planet Gemini Stellium. The Sun, Moon, Venus, Mercury and Jupiter are all traveling through Gemini at the new moon. After a long time with Taurus energy prevalent, it’s like we have been set free and our feet can float a bit off the ground as our minds reach for the sky. 

Mercury is traveling through Gemini, in its own home sign, giving a big green light to let your mind and your mouth run free. You may want to learn more about a subject, so taking a class or course would be a great thing to do in June.

In fact, anything that sparks your curiosity is a great thing to open your mind to. You may want to write or teach your own course material.

Watch what you say. With Jupiter, Mercury, Sun, Moon and Venus all traveling through Gemini, you may find words coming out of your mouth faster than usual. You may not be able to hold your tongue like you usually do and say things in a more brutally honest or critical way than you meant to.

If you don’t want to have to say ‘I’m sorry’ a lot, monitor your words and your tone.

Fixed gives way to Mutable (adaptable and changeable) energy. The first half of this year had a lot of fixed earth energy due to the prevalence of planets traveling through Taurus.

That has shifted now with visionary Jupiter now traveling through Gemini and the five-planet stellium in Gemini at the new Moon. There is more ease and flexibility to respond to stimuli, make change and shake up your daily routine.

The air element is prevalent in June. It’s an airy month where we can all feel like some amount of heaviness has been lifted, at least in our minds. It’s easier to do things and move forward in thought and mind. Especially as it relates to things that have become unstuck over these last few months. 

It’s now time to start new habits and routines to replace those outdated and outworn ones that are fading into the past. Think about where you have been stubborn or resistant to change in the past that has recently been broken up.

Focus on things that need fresh new ideas, now is the time to create them.

Use this energy while it lasts. June may just fly by as things will likely be easy and breezy the first half of the month in the heavens. The second part of June will bring in the water sign Cancer where you may want to connect more on an emotional level with others.

Jupiter is in a harmonious trine with Pluto. There is a chance to make a big impact on a project that needs a major overhaul.

Mars is nearing the end of his travel through his own sign of Aries. The beginning of the new Moon phase can offer a boost in physical energy while Mars is still in Aries. It won’t last long, just a few days later, on June 9, Mars will move into Taurus. 

When Mars moves into Taurus, all those witty and clever solutions you thought of at the new Moon are ready to be executed. Focused Mars in Taurus will take a methodical approach to get them done.

This is a nice follow up to a lot of mental stimulation so those clever ideas you come up can jump out of your mind and manifest. Mars in Taurus is focused on steady consistent work. It’s just what airy Gemini needs, a worker to take orders and follow the plan.

Saturn calls your attention to reality and your long-term vision. There is a cloud in the Gemini sky that is cast by Saturn traveling through Pisces. Saturn typically wants to stay grounded, focused and strategic on the plan. In Pisces, Saturn wants us to remain aware of the bigger picture. 

Saturn is in a tight square with the Sun, new Moon and Venus that is going to get more exact in the week after the Gemini New Moon. There may be a bit of rain on the Gemini parade. But if we let that tension coming from Saturn help us, we can lean on that Saturn energy to keep one foot on the ground. 

Let Saturn remind you of the bigger picture. Your mind may want to race off in a few different directions and inspire you to start five new important projects. Saturn reminds you to be practical and focus on projects that take you toward your long-term goals. 

He reminds you that distractions show up as desirable things you want, but can take you far off the path to your long-term vision. Is it reasonable to start a bunch of projects that take you in different directions?

Or will you benefit the most by keeping your eye on the end goal, the long-term vision? 

In Your Chart

To look deeper into the cosmic patterns of the new moon, find the astrology houses the planets are traveling through in your personal natal birth chart.

In your personal life, some of you will be experiencing difficult activations even if the sky is fairly quiet. It depends on what planets are activated in your chart by the moving sky.

Here are the areas to look for in your chart:

  • Aries: Mars

  • Gemini: Venus, Sun, New Moon, Mercury, Jupiter

  • Taurus: Uranus

  • Aquarius: Pluto

  • Pisces: Saturn and Neptune

If you would like to learn more about your personal astrology chart, schedule a consultation with me. If you don’t have a copy of your chart, you can get one free with one of the online calculators. I recommend either or

Schedule a consultation with me by clicking below:

Gemini New Moon Activity Ideas

  • Set your new moon intentions Thursday night, Friday or over the weekend. Use my New Moon Intention Setting Guide for a step-by-step approach.

  • Socialize more! Reach out and talk with your friends.

  • Your mind will be stimulated. Read and write more often to satisfy your mind and keep it from becoming restless. If you are writing a book, focus on writing more this month.

  • Gemini loves to learn. Take a class or sign up for a course.

  • Follow your curiosity and see where it takes you.

  • Reflect on old outworn habits and routines that have broken down since the beginning of the year. Now is the time to start putting new ideas and routines into place.

  • You may feel more free and energetic, take that energy and try to focus it on projects and relationships for your long-term vision. Beware of shiny glittery things that may try to attract you off course. 

  • If you start feeling mentally exhausted, feed your mind. Use positive self-statements, read books and magazines that highly interest you, sign up for a course and use alternative therapies for relaxation like massage, acupuncture or spend more time at the gym.

  • There is auspicious energy to push something forward in a big way. What is your long-term vision?

  • Gemini’s make great flirts. If you are single, you may want to do some speed dating or get out with your friends to meet others. Attached, plan some social activities out and about that stimulates both of your minds.

Gemini New Moon Inspirational Quote

'Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.' ― Norman Vincent Peale

Wrap Up 

The Gemini New Moon brings a breeze of new energy that is social and curious. With five planets in chatty Gemini, it's time to connect, socialize and stimulate your mind. Reading, writing and learning are all highlighted during the new Moon.

The quality of time is forward-focused and fast. Mercury will start its next pre-shadow phase on July 17 and retrograde in August. Take the month of June to push forward important things during this mentally stimulating month.

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