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Your next step toward authentic living starts here.

astrology Consultation

In your Free Initial Consultation I answer your questions about working with me. You will receive individualized attention that wraps around your needs. Astrology coaching helps you find and develop your life mission, achieve your long-term goals and vision, and support you through periods of time and challenging transits. 

Coaching with Astrology will profoundly deepen your self-awareness and help you achieve your goals in a strategic way that flows with the cosmos.

Coaching and strategy without astrology is like throwing a dart at the calendar and hoping the stars are in alignment. Astrology sets your strategy on the fast track to success. You will actually know that the stars are in alignment because we will utilize astrological timing.

Discover what has been missing, get clear on where you are going, and ensure you do not get distracted by things that slow down achieving what you desire. Whether it’s learning about your astrology profile for personal growth, achieving an important goal, or finding direction that has meaning and purpose in life, my mixed approach will help you choose the most authentic path.

Astrology coaching is for you if:

  • You want to set short-term and long-term goals that are in alignment with your core values and utilize astrology to maximize your timing strategy.

  • You want to make a significant change in life but don’t know what you want to do or how to start.

  • You feel like you are going through the motions of life, but not really living in a way that brings you joy.

  • You are tired of being an employee for someone else and are ready to go freelance or start your own business.

  • You are struggling with strategy to achieve your goals and/or you need help with setting practical, realistic, and achievable goals.

  • You have decided that you are going to take action toward change and want a coach to help you stay on track, set realistic goals, provide accountability, and celebrate your wins with you.


It’s exciting to take action towards improving your well-being and living your authentic life. I look forward to learning more about you, how I can help you boost your strengths, find your life mission, meaning, and purpose, and take action toward achieving them.

Learn how astrology can cut through confusion and point you toward what feels good, draws out your passion, and what has deep personal meaning.

What you will experience in astrology coaching with me is a process to figure out your path to success, increased happiness, and well-being and action plans for how to get there. 

We will focus in on your values, strengths, and desires. We will utilize your astrological chart for self-understanding, and astrological timing for strategy. 

My approach places high importance on fostering a coaching relationship based on trust and an understanding of confidentiality. If we decide to work together, we will discuss your individualized plan.

Astrology based coaching is flexible enough to adapt to your individual needs. This initial consultation gives you the chance to ask me questions and evaluate if we are a good match for your journey.

Helping people find their life mission, identify values and strengths, develop goals, achieve milestones, and utilize astrology is my passion. It brings me joy, and I hope I can be of help and service to you. Book your free initial consultation below.

Thank you! Lori

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